Paranormal Quest

Monday, February 16, 2009

The following is the description, loosely translated from its original French as it appears on DailyMotion:

This documentary contains several topics of study on the paranormal, and focuses on using technological advances to try to respond more scientifically than a mystical or religious approach to the paranormal activities that many people seem to have experienced. Although it unfortunately happens that some people are very often, despite themselves, victims of their own misinterpretations.

Studies and analyses will be made from original documents by police, scientists, and an expert in video analysis, as well as a professional voice recognition expert, who hs worked for the government to analyze TEUs. Demystifying some of the events mediated by major national news channels USA. A team of investigators will investigate the Lizzie Borden house, reputed to be one of the most haunted in the USA.

Here is the History HD documentary (in 3 parts):

These videos are from Daily Motion
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